RECORDING AVAILABLE - BYOM (Bring Your Own Monitor) to Apache Kafka®

  • :spiral_calendar: When: 14 December 2021 at 23:00 (UTC)
  • :speaking_head: Speaker(s): Niyi Odumosu
  • :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Talk(s): BYOM (Bring Your Own Monitor) to Apache Kafka®

Confluent allows users to configure an Application Performance Monitoring (APM) product of their choosing with their Confluent clusters. Monitoring the health and performance of data in motion platforms is always a must. This meetup will go over how to monitor your existing Confluent Cloud or Confluent Platform cluster using Prometheus/Grafana and Datadog. Join us to see how we use different monitors to analyze the telemetry of our enterprise Kafka clusters.

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