Apache Kafka beyond Zookeeper

Hi all!

As we all know, Apache Kafka 3.0 includes some great features – namely the introduction of Kraft metadata mode (bye-bye Zookeeper!). Although this is a new feature, you’ve been able to preview it since Apache Kafka 2.8, so I was curious to hear about everyone’s experience with this mode.

Who’s used it? What did you think? And what advice would you give to others hoping to make the move?

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Hi Danica,

I’ve tested the feature on my local demo environment the last few weeks.

I really like it, works as expected and eases the initial configuration (no messing up with zookeeper, on config file and so on)

I think it’s a good time to experiment with KRaft to be ready to use it in production as soon it’s ready for production.



Would you recommend to migrate from acl to rbac , as I see no discussion on implementing replacement for zookeeper acls? What are your thoughts about this ?

With the removal of ZooKeeper, you will still be able to use ACLs with Confluent MDS ( Metadata Server ) that is a built-in component of Confluent Server.