Authentication Failed with rdkafka PHP

Hi. New here.
I am trying to connect to a bootstrap server with the rdkafka library using PHP with Kafka and Zookeeper on Ubuntu.

Kafka bootstrap server:
SASL mechanism: PLAIN
SASL config:
Security protocol: SASL_SSL
$conf->set('bootstrap.servers', '');
$conf->set('sasl.username', '###');
$conf->set('sasl.mechanisms', 'PLAIN');
$conf->set('sasl.password', '###');
$conf->set('security.protocol', 'SASL_SSL');
$conf->set('ssl.key.location', '/home/liveRDM.pem');
$conf->set('ssl.certificate.location', '/home/liveRDM.pem');
$conf->set('ssl.key.password', '#######');

Just wondering if there’s anything silly I have missed. I have tried to specify $conf->set(‘sasl.jaas.config’, ‘’);
However because the library I am using doesn’t support JAAS, it’s asking for me to set up Kerberos with dns etc which all seems a bit extensive given in the past I have used STOMP for messaging, I am new to Kafka.

Any advice appreciated.

hey @mburdett555

welcome :slight_smile:
just to be sure:
you’re trying to connect to Confluent Cloud right?
would you please provide the error message?
