Im attempting to update a cluster link as the certificate will expire at some point. The PEM file we add in the updatecert.txt has the old and new cert, effectively allowing a seamless switchover.
Using the CLI. and the below command. We update the link , no errors.
confluent kafka link configuration update LINK-NAME --config updatecert.txt --cluster lkc-XXXXXXX
The cluster link is updated, then a few minutes after, goes into a UNAVAILABLE State.
The updatecert.txt has two parameters following the documentation from the below link. the certs are formatted onto a single line.
To close the loop here, after a lot of escalating it was identified as a bug only on the confluent cloud cli.
As discussed, you have updated upgraded the confluent cli to latest version(current latest version is 4.0.0) and use /n for new lines. You can succesfully update the link configs with ssl.truststore.certificates containing multi certs