I am porting my app to dart from python, and noticed that there are no libraries on dart. So I am forced to use rest api. As my self hosted kafka machine is not setup for rest, I decided to use confluent hub.
I can see schema registry rest api, but cannot see how i can actually use rest api to publish to my topics. Am I missing something? there is url for registry, but not the url to actually make rest call to publish/subscribe data.
Can you point me to a document which explains this.
Can you clarify, are you using Confluent Cloud? Confluent Hub is a download source for connectors.
If you’re using Confluent Cloud then you’ll need to host your own REST Proxy.
Hi, I meant Confluent’s hosted service - confluent.cloud - there I have created my topics but can not see the rest api end points. So I can see from your earlier message that I need to install some components to use rest.
If I were to host my own kafka service, then what are the steps to user rest api?
also, are there any packages available for talking to kafka using Dart ( similar to python versions )?