Consumer not able to consume message

I am encountering a challenge while using Confluent.Kafka C# library. The consumer is able to consume the first message successfully, but when it comes to the second message on the same topic, it remains in a waiting state and is unable to be consumed. Concurrently, I have confirmed through the console consumer that the message is flowing correctly.

Refer to the code of consumer:

MyConsumer myConsumer = new MyConsumer(consumeTopic);

using Confluent.Kafka;

namespace KafkaLibrary
    public class MyConsumer : IDisposable
        private IConsumer<Null, RequestResponseModel> _kafkaConsumer = null;
        private CancellationTokenSource _cancellationTokenSource = null;

	    internal MyConsumer(string topic)
				ConsumerConfig cc = new ConsumerConfig();
				cc.BootstrapServers = "localhost:9092";
				cc.GroupId = "nirvana-consumer-group" + "-" + topic + "-" + Guid.NewGuid();
				cc.HeartbeatIntervalMs = 1000;
				cc.SessionTimeoutMs = 20000;
				cc.MaxPollIntervalMs = 86400000;
				cc.EnableAutoOffsetStore = false;
				cc.AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Latest;

				_kafkaConsumer = new ConsumerBuilder<Null, RequestResponseModel>(cc).SetValueDeserializer(new KafkaSerializer()).Build();

				_cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
			catch (Exception)

		internal async Task<string> Consume(Guid requestId)
				ConsumeResult<Null, RequestResponseModel> consumerResult = null;
				return await Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
					while (!_cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
							consumerResult = _kafkaConsumer.Consume(_cancellationTokenSource.Token);

							if (consumerResult != null && consumerResult.Message != null && consumerResult.Message.Value != null)
								if (consumerResult.Message.Value.RequestID == requestId)
						catch (Exception exp)
							Console.WriteLine(exp.Message + Environment.NewLine + exp.StackTrace);

					return consumerResult.Message.Value.Data;
			catch (Exception exp)
				Console.WriteLine(exp.Message + Environment.NewLine + exp.StackTrace);