I try to load a bunch of csv files into kafka with the SpoolDirCsvSourceConnector using schema registry + avro.
Unfortunately the header names are something like “First-Name” etc. so this indeed clash with schema registry and avro.
I could indeed replace headers before with sed or something but actually I want to avoid that.
The customer should upload its file to a FTP server where the connector is listing and the data should end up in a SQL database. I also add some static fields.
My thoughts but I am not sure if they working, especially with using schema registry and avro:
Can I actually use SMT to change field name in source connector to change that header namers before the schema is actually created? I also would like to castType fields already in source connector to auto create a suitable schema.
If not, I could skip the first row so the columns would have names like “column01” and I use SMT rename field on jdbc sync connector like
Does anyone has an idea?
"name": "csv-test-01",
"config": {
"input.file.pattern": "test.csv",
"transforms.ReplaceField.rename": "Nummer:customer_id,Verkaeufer-Nachname:sales_person_last_name,Verkaeufer-Vorname:sales_person_first_name",