Hi Kafkateers!
Do we have an easy way to reset offset for a connector for a particular topic?
This seems to be a really “must-have” feature, especially when you are debugging your connector configuration, but it seems to be absent.
Probably, a REST API method, looking somewhat similar to this, would be really useful:
POST /connectors/(string:name)/topics/(string:topicName)/reset-offset
I know that there are some workarounds for this, like changing the name of the connector, so it is treated by Kafka Connect as a brand-new one, but this just does not feel a right thing to do.
I know also, that we can reset offset of the connector consumer group using kafka-consumer-groups
./bin/kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server <broker-host>:<broker-port> --group <connector-name> --reset-offsets --to-earliest --execute --topic <topic-name>
But this seems to be not enough, since as it was described here, some really dirty and low-level things should be done to the _connect-offsets
topic as well, which is bulky and not really convenient.
Or am I missing something and there IS a simple way to reset connector’s offset for a particular topic, besides the ones I mentioned above?