How can I send Metrics API to CloudWatch Metrics?

How can I send Metrics API to CloudWatch Metrics? I think there is info in the next link, I cannot find the exact way to achieve it.

Monitor Confluent Cloud Clients
Monitor Confluent Cloud Clients | Confluent Documentation

Do I need CloudWatch Sink Connector at that time? If possible, I think it’s more secure than I use Metrics API through Internet.
Here is CloudWatch Sink Connector docs, but I assume this connector consume some topics, and it’s not as a purpose of Metrics API.

Amazon CloudWatch Metrics Sink Connector for Confluent Cloud
Amazon CloudWatch Metrics Sink Connector for Confluent Cloud Quick Start | Confluent Documentation

hi @jack

afaik there is no out of the box solution to get this done.
as you already mentioned CloudWatch Sink Connector will provide topic metrics.

one thing which should work is have a comnbination of Lamdba and Cloudwatch as mentioned here:


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Thanks for such a quick response.
I understand that we cannot use Metrics API in private in terms of network.
I hope that confluent offers a solution to use Metrics API inside VPC.
Anyway, thanks again.