How I understand weather kafta broker topic is connected with backend kafta stream server correctly?

• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU) * nano
• DeepStream Version 7.0
• JetPack Version (valid for Jetson only) 6.0
• TensorRT Version
• NVIDIA GPU Driver Version (valid for GPU only) NVIDIA-SMI 540.2.0
• Issue Type( questions, new requirements, bugs) how I understand weather kafta broker topic is connected with backend kafta stream server correctly ?

I have created Kafka stream : docker exec -it ksqldb-cli ksql http://ksqldb-server:8088 using jason format :

frame_number INT,
stream_id INT,
bounding_boxes ARRAY<STRUCT<
object_id INT,
class_id INT,
leftt DOUBLE,
width DOUBLE,
height DOUBLE,
Total_People_count INT,
moving_direction VARCHAR,
line_crossing_status VARCHAR,
overcrowding_status VARCHAR,
roi_status VARCHAR,
Objs_in_ROI INT,
Linecrossing_Cumulative INT,
Linecrossing_Current_Frame INT

) WITH (
And then I created kafta topic (bounding_boxes_stream) contains messages formatted as JSON, using
/Logic$ docker exec -it broker /bin/bash
[appuser@broker ~]$ kkafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server “localhost:9092” --topic “bounding_boxes_stream”
“frame_number”: 5,
“stream_id”: 0,
“bounding_boxes”: [
“object_id”: 1,
“class_id”: 0,
“top”: 23.1943359375,
“leftt”: 1386.884033203125,
“width”: 55.195068359375,
“height”: 150.04502868652344,
“Total_People_count”: 3,
“moving_direction”: “north”,
“line_crossing_status”: “crossed”,
“overcrowding_status”: “normal”,
“roi_status”: “active”,
“Objs_in_ROI”: 2,
“Linecrossing_Cumulative”: 5,
“Linecrossing_Current_Frame”: 1
“object_id”: 2,
“class_id”: 1,
“top”: 45.1943359375,
“leftt”: 1200.884033203125,
“width”: 30.195068359375,
“height”: 160.04502868652344,
“Total_People_count”: 3,
“moving_direction”: “south”,
“line_crossing_status”: “not crossed”,
“overcrowding_status”: “crowded”,
“roi_status”: “inactive”,
“Objs_in_ROI”: 1,
“Linecrossing_Cumulative”: 3,
“Linecrossing_Current_Frame”: 0

And then based on it, re verify message using
[appuser@broker ~]$ kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server “localhost:9092” --topic “bounding_boxes_stream” --from-beginning --max-messages 100, its output correctly and then i re-verified it using kafta stream:

its show correctly, and then i checked

It show empty : but actually its not empty. Why it show empty ? how i solve this error ? how I understand weather kafta broker topic is connected with backend kafta stream server correctly ?

I able to access kafta topic using AKHQ.