How represent JSON with sub array

came up with the following:

issue is i get nothing when I select from the stream, even if i set 'auto.offset.reset'='earliest';
even if i post new messages to the source topic.

CREATE STREAM salesbasket (
	   	InvoiceNumber VARCHAR key,
	 	SaleDateTime date,
	  	TerminalPoint VARCHAR,
	   	Net DOUBLE,
	  	Vat DOUBLE,
	 	Total DOUBLE,
       	Store STRUCT<
       		Id VARCHAR,
     		Name VARCHAR>,
     	Clerk STRUCT<
     		Id VARCHAR,
          	Name VARCHAR>,
    	BasketItems ARRAY< STRUCT<id VARCHAR,
        	Name VARCHAR,
          	Brand VARCHAR,
          	Catergory VARCHAR,
         	Price DOUBLE,
        	Quantity integer >>) 
WITH (KAFKA_TOPIC='salesbasket',