I am facing issue while deploying cluster linking. I have successfully created link between source & destination cluster but getting issue while mirroring the topic (viz. copy exact source topic name)
Details: -
source hostname:- KPR-U-APP-KFK-CL03
destination hostname :-KPR-U-APP-KFK-CL04
cluster link cmd:- bin/kafka-cluster-links --bootstrap-server KPR-U-APP-KFK-CL03:9095 --create --link test1_link --config-file link-config.properties --cluster-id mnConx7PQx-pRJYS5XlVeQ (dest.cluster-id)
in config.properties I have destination bootstrap-server.
topic name:- test-link-topic
mirror-maker cmd:-bin/kafka-mirrors --bootstrap-server KPR-U-APP-KFK-CL03:9095 --create --mirror-topic test-link-topic --link test1_link
issue in mirror maker:-
Error while executing mirror command: Topic ‘test-link-topic’ already exists.ERROR org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TopicExistsException: Topic ‘test-link-topic’ already exists.
Please check attached snap as well,