I’m running Kafka Connect (“connect-avro-distributed.properties”) on a separate machine from my Broker. I have Kafka Connect, Schema Registry, KSQLDB & CLI up and running. And, I can see that the Broker has added it to the group.
After updating my worker I see that it has been created in Connect, no errors.
No errors in my Schema Registry interface (CLI)
However, when I “show connectors;” in KSQL (CLI), I get the following:
I checked out a couple tutorials that had me double check that my drivers are placed in the proper directory… I checked and they are loading in the Kafka Connect window during start-up.
There are no other Connectors running in the environment.
I’m not sure at this point what to look for in the configs or driver locations.
@rmoff Thank you for pointing me to the tutorials.
Taking a look at the logs, there are a number of WARN messages (see below) and one (1) ERROR. The error is the following:
ERROR Failed to start task sink-jdbc-mysql-01-0 (org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.Worker:560) java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/confluent/common/config/AbstractConfig
So, I did four (4) things:
I searched for where the AbstractConfig class is located (common.config-4.0.3.jar)
I located the jar in the directory and double checked that it is in the “plugin.path” config of the properties file.
I searched the worker log to see if it loaded during start up, and yes it is.
Lastly, I made sure the jar has no access restrictions.
It’s still throwing the same error. Any thoughts?
Other than that…
A series of WARN messages report that 18 different configurations were “supplied but isn’t a known config.” This occurs numerous times during the startup of the worker. The main difference between them is “AdminClientConfig”, “ConsumerConfig”, and “ProducerConfig”.
WARN The configuration ‘config_name’ was supplied but isn’t a known config.
I was running an Apache Kafka 2.13-2.8.0 install. I went ahead and performed a fresh install of the latest Confluent Community, and the latest connectors. That did the trick.
I think the root of the problem was that the Schema Registry installation was performed later after the Apache Kafka install. In the process, something wasn’t right.