Kafka Broker often shuts down

We are running a dev environment on Windows with Kafka Broker and our own Kafka Producer and Consumer implementation using Java.

After running the broker for a day or so, the broker just goes down. Due to logs folder getting filled up. We manage by cleaning up the tmp\kafka-logs folder and then restarting Kafka Broker.

Obviously, this is not an option in production. Please suggest how we could fix this. We are running Kafka on windows.

I googled this and some solutions suggested were using Kafka as a docker container or running it on Linux. We could also have an automatic batch file to periodically restart Kafka/clean up the logs. But that is not a good idea at all in production.

Please suggest if there is any config change or any other solution to solve this.

Since this is a duplicate of another thread which already has responses. I’m closing this thread.

Duplicate thread here: Kafka Broker shuts down often