I’m using Kafka MongoDB connector to push records from Kafka to MongoDB Collection and changing the _id filed value by column name First_ID’s Value.
Now in my MySQL table, I’ve two columns name First_ID and Secondary_ID
First_ID has a unique ID for all records
Secondary_ID represents a group of records.
By default, Kafka MongoDB sink will create one document for each Kafka message (replacing _id value by First_ID value ), but I want to configure this connector so it appends the records with the same Secondary_ID into a single MongoDB document.
Following are the records into MySQL
| First_ID | Secondary_ID | Report_No| Age |
| 1 | 123 | 775 | 30 |
| 2 | 123 | 730 | 28 |
| 3 | 456 | 321 | 40 |
| 4 | 456 | 347 | 60 |
| 5 | 211 | 322 | 20 |
By default, Mongo DB will create 5 Documents in the collection, but I want to configure the connector, so it will create only 3 documents for these records like this ( because it has three unique Secondary_ID )
- Document 1
- Document 2
- Document 3
So, Is it possible to achieve a Document structure like this and is it possible to achieve upsert operation in this?