Ksqldb Data Enrichment for nested array

Can ksqldb enrich nested array?

ktable users:

      "userId": "1",
      "displayname": "Fred",
      "Tags": [2,5,6,7]
      "userId": "2",
      "displayname": "Ben",
      "Tags": [5,1,5,2]

Tags ktable:

   tagid: 2,
   Name: "firstag"
   tagid: 5,
   Name: "nexttag"

expected result how it do mongodb with ‘lookup’ Result enrich:

   "userId": "1",
   "displayname": "Fred",
   "Tags": [
          tagid: 2,
          Name: "firstag"
          tagid: 5,
          Name: "nexttag"

Sound like a FK-join plus an aggregation to me. So yes, seems possible.

Guess you would need to pre-process Users via EXPLODE to get one record per tag before doing the FK-join into the Tags dimension table, and aggregate the result afterward to “undo” the explode-step.

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