could you help me with next question:
i am trying to add new connector using REST API
i am using MyConnector extends AbstractSpoolDirSourceConnector
and MyConnectorConfig extends AbstractSpoolDirSourceConnectorConfig
as i understand all properties from “config” field of JSON should be moved into private final Map<String, Object> values field under my MyConnectorConfig
and there is public List getList(String key) method available
i tried to add list property in my json config but in this case REST API returns error:
“Cannot deserialize instance of
out of START_ARRAY token\n at [Source: (org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.ReaderInterceptorExecutor$UnCloseableInputStream); line: 1, column: 1400] (through reference chain: org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.rest.entities.CreateConnectorRequest["config"]->java.util.LinkedHashMap["myProperty"])”
my question is: why in one hand (in AbstractConfig) we have Map<String, Object> values
and in other hand (in CreateConnectorRequest) we have Map<String, String> config that prevents us to use anything but String as values
is it possible to pass List through it or I have to do additional conversion in/from String?
P.S. for number and boolean it is working fine: REST is not returning error and values can be taken from config using getInt() and getBoolean() methods