Minikube / Docker-compose pulls entire stack images on every start?

Strange… Previously had it running, and it pulled the images only once.
now when I stop the stack it seems to be deleting the images, as on the next start it pulls them all again ???


… there seems to be a “removing” step now that delete the images.

guys, for someone that stays in a location where band width and data is extremely expensive this is a killer.

please advise, how can I stop this from occurring.


how do you stop the stack?

docker-compose down?

yes. <typing more as they demand min 20 characters>


seems to be a docker related issue

is there an alias in your environment?
which docker-compose version are running?

did you change the compose file?
I would recommend to run docker-compose down --verbose

For the docker-compose I do the actual command, so no alias involved.

docker-compose version: docker-compose version 1.29.0, build 07737305

As for the docker-compose file, changes was on the listener and active_listerner as per Robin’s notes, nothing that would cause this behaviour, and well it was happening before the changes anyhow.

will have to have a look at docker-compose down --verbose, although I think it’s part of the command. just don’t know where to look/remove. “previously” it did work, aka was not removed.


ok I see
one possible cause might be the changes
in the docker images on docker hub the last days.

Which Docker Compose file are you using? Specifically, which images within it? Unless you’re using :latest then I don’t see why new images would be pulled down. Either way, it’s not an issue with the Confluent images per se, but more something to go and check about on the Docker side.

1 Like

was docker-compose as shipped, with only the changes as per your network changes required.

As is at the moment

version: '2'
    image: confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:6.1.1
    hostname: zookeeper
    container_name: zookeeper
      - "2181:2181"

    image: confluentinc/cp-server:6.1.1
    hostname: broker
    container_name: broker
      - zookeeper
      - "9092:9092"
      - "9101:9101"
      - "19092:19092"
      KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT: 'zookeeper:2181'
      KAFKA_METRIC_REPORTERS: io.confluent.metrics.reporter.ConfluentMetricsReporter

Unless you’re deleting local Docker images (e.g. system cleanup) then I don’t see why they would be pulled down each time.

:slight_smile: and thus my raising of big red flag…

when I started playing with cp-all-in-one the images came down and it simply started and stop’ed and started, but now it seems to stop and then pull them again.


could we get a logfile with the output of the docker-compose up command?

can you specify what command you want me to run,

easy enough for me to do a screen grab, although as said, with a docker-compose up -d it pulls all / most images, and then on a docker-compose down it stops them then does a remove.


Try this, and copy & paste (not screenshot) the resulting terminal output in full back here

# First, list existing images
docker images

# Now, bring up the stack
docker-compose up -d

# Make sure everything is running and do whatever you're doing with it

# Shut down
docker-compose down

# List images again
docker images

# Now, bring up the stack again
docker-compose up -d

so will do this in a couple of posts… pretty sure this is where the problem starts. no CP images shown when docker images are called…


hmmmm… owner if docker context has something to do with this, seem to remember with minikube the context is changed so that all kubectl commands talk to k8s cluster then as default .

Georges-MacBook-Pro.local:/Users/george/Desktop/ProjectsCommon/cp-all-in-one/cp-all-in-one > docker images
REPOSITORY                           TAG                                                     IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE          v0.0.20                                                 c6f4fc187bc1   4 weeks ago     1.09GB
docker/desktop-kubernetes            kubernetes-v1.19.7-cni-v0.8.5-critools-v1.17.0-debian   93b3398dbfde   3 months ago    285MB                v1.19.7                                                 9d368f4517bb   3 months ago    118MB   v1.19.7                                                 67b3bca112d1   3 months ago    111MB            v1.19.7                                                 c15e4f843f01   3 months ago    119MB            v1.19.7                                                 4fa642720eea   3 months ago    45.6MB                      3.4.13-0                                                0369cf4303ff   8 months ago    253MB                   1.7.0                                                   bfe3a36ebd25   10 months ago   45.2MB                     3.2                                                     80d28bedfe5d   15 months ago   683kB
Georges-MacBook-Pro.local:/Users/george/Desktop/ProjectsCommon/cp-all-in-one/cp-all-in-one >

Aaaah you didn’t mention you were using minikube :slight_smile: That changes everything really. I have never used it, so the steps outlined about are probably irrelevant.

Perhaps someone else here has experience with it and can suggest steps to diagnose the issue.

I have docker running, into which the docker-compose deploys.
On the side I’m running a minikube cluster, which is run inside the docker container engine.

I’m wondering if maybe the presence of minikube and changes it makes might be the root cause here.

One of the reason’s why I asked in one of the threads if it might not be possible to simply push the CP stack into minikube (which simulates a single node K8S environment)

other option is a “Kind” based system, but then there is no docs on how to deploy CP into kind either, although it should be similar to deploying onto minikube or full K8s,
… should simply be a helm chart… grabbing at straws…

@Robin, Not sure this is minikube though… the images get pulled into the docker visible report as docker images, same as the K8s images.

after the docker-compose up -d

Georges-MacBook-Pro.local:/Users/george/Desktop/ProjectsCommon/cp-all-in-one/cp-all-in-one > docker-compose up -d
Docker Compose is now in the Docker CLI, try `docker compose up`

Creating network "cp-all-in-one_default" with the default driver
Pulling zookeeper (confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:6.1.1)...
6.1.1: Pulling from confluentinc/cp-zookeeper
8f403cb21126: Pull complete
65c0f2178ac8: Pull complete
f531aa5f4b59: Pull complete
e8f004375cc7: Pull complete
62400f0f3d19: Pull complete
3b70c889979a: Pull complete
90d755e41546: Pull complete
5190561ca80d: Pull complete
e9740bd870ac: Pull complete
a65e45d3569e: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:dc04584a644b09ec00046a9acd352660b54cd358094a88945802a3444a392586
Status: Downloaded newer image for confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:6.1.1
Pulling broker (confluentinc/cp-server:6.1.1)...
6.1.1: Pulling from confluentinc/cp-server
8f403cb21126: Already exists
65c0f2178ac8: Already exists
f531aa5f4b59: Already exists
e8f004375cc7: Already exists
62400f0f3d19: Already exists
3b70c889979a: Already exists
90d755e41546: Already exists
5190561ca80d: Already exists
2281f66ca9d8: Pull complete
659130bbba7b: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:3ce232315a4602999660a3c166340f5a267cb424d6ea373b59e1a1e8eb55d26e
Status: Downloaded newer image for confluentinc/cp-server:6.1.1
Pulling schema-registry (confluentinc/cp-schema-registry:6.1.1)...
6.1.1: Pulling from confluentinc/cp-schema-registry
8f403cb21126: Already exists
65c0f2178ac8: Already exists
f531aa5f4b59: Already exists
e8f004375cc7: Already exists
62400f0f3d19: Already exists
3b70c889979a: Already exists
90d755e41546: Already exists
5190561ca80d: Already exists
2ae80cb52ab8: Pull complete
7f2fa8f053d4: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:08c4c77324c7d53920fecf4da2e9d1e66c1b361f49eacf47c9acd239f624954c
Status: Downloaded newer image for confluentinc/cp-schema-registry:6.1.1
Pulling connect (cnfldemos/cp-server-connect-datagen:0.4.0-6.1.0)...
0.4.0-6.1.0: Pulling from cnfldemos/cp-server-connect-datagen
a6b97b4963f5: Pull complete
13948a011eec: Pull complete
bc3a6735728f: Pull complete
d70aeb3d3707: Pull complete
46c3f5a8aa0a: Pull complete
7afc86a94aa0: Pull complete
10fbb9218396: Pull complete
ce9b7f0fc9e6: Pull complete
71ed3ae01345: Pull complete
69bc2a048829: Pull complete
d4e18dd2460b: Pull complete
0f2311c2cd3e: Pull complete
46a07dd054fa: Pull complete
286aec06a4da: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:f6e2229d94e72c553b28358475d0c878b412ad36c0eda9a74097452063560bab
Status: Downloaded newer image for cnfldemos/cp-server-connect-datagen:0.4.0-6.1.0
Pulling ksqldb-server (confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-server:6.1.1)...
6.1.1: Pulling from confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-server
8f403cb21126: Already exists
65c0f2178ac8: Already exists
f531aa5f4b59: Already exists
e8f004375cc7: Already exists
62400f0f3d19: Already exists
3b70c889979a: Already exists
90d755e41546: Already exists
5190561ca80d: Already exists
9c61ea57c06a: Pull complete
b1af698b791f: Pull complete
27f0f97f1c77: Pull complete
f72f0f036960: Pull complete
468030587dd8: Pull complete
98b6799ae5ab: Pull complete
a00254098fc7: Pull complete
fdbea9af11fb: Pull complete
7671e71fbf46: Pull complete
5533711fa38a: Pull complete
5eda68c7076b: Pull complete
acce5a0cb8cb: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:4dc74913b89ad32b941bc8b501ddcd70a854297d353bc1a6eb8e2de329efb939
Status: Downloaded newer image for confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-server:6.1.1
Pulling control-center (confluentinc/cp-enterprise-control-center:6.1.1)...
6.1.1: Pulling from confluentinc/cp-enterprise-control-center
8f403cb21126: Already exists
65c0f2178ac8: Already exists
f531aa5f4b59: Already exists
e8f004375cc7: Already exists
62400f0f3d19: Already exists
3b70c889979a: Already exists
90d755e41546: Already exists
5190561ca80d: Already exists
4231535d543c: Pull complete
d8ad2a619620: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:e22d1f1aba762f943c33d7a8fe6022d80e2078085f44f8dbec1d0bb6af5d7972
Status: Downloaded newer image for confluentinc/cp-enterprise-control-center:6.1.1
Pulling ksqldb-cli (confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-cli:6.1.1)...
6.1.1: Pulling from confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-cli
8f403cb21126: Already exists
65c0f2178ac8: Already exists
f531aa5f4b59: Already exists
e8f004375cc7: Already exists
62400f0f3d19: Already exists
3b70c889979a: Already exists
90d755e41546: Already exists
5190561ca80d: Already exists
0d131c97ca1a: Pull complete
edfa763dfcf1: Pull complete
d8181dbf64f5: Pull complete
4a9a4eda7b46: Pull complete
a4960e0d32c2: Pull complete
cbcaa750bfab: Pull complete
76fd70d7c84e: Pull complete
53383e763476: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:3d34445221f7898efac4ff2a07ffdcf57e8f9e6ef0fa59c7b6e565899f7f4570
Status: Downloaded newer image for confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-cli:6.1.1
Pulling ksql-datagen (confluentinc/ksqldb-examples:6.1.1)...
6.1.1: Pulling from confluentinc/ksqldb-examples
8f403cb21126: Already exists
65c0f2178ac8: Already exists
f531aa5f4b59: Already exists
e8f004375cc7: Already exists
62400f0f3d19: Already exists
3b70c889979a: Already exists
90d755e41546: Already exists
5190561ca80d: Already exists
52ff8533c578: Pull complete
fb15a8b77fed: Pull complete
dae93b082667: Pull complete
8469ed5624e0: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:d8f2ee68c7f920ddde901dfab20b9519cd92b4ef4ef5ffacf08fb7a8798403b4
Status: Downloaded newer image for confluentinc/ksqldb-examples:6.1.1
Pulling rest-proxy (confluentinc/cp-kafka-rest:6.1.1)...
6.1.1: Pulling from confluentinc/cp-kafka-rest
8f403cb21126: Already exists
65c0f2178ac8: Already exists
f531aa5f4b59: Already exists
e8f004375cc7: Already exists
62400f0f3d19: Already exists
3b70c889979a: Already exists
90d755e41546: Already exists
5190561ca80d: Already exists
68e766c86ee2: Pull complete
a2d549cd7844: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:fafb4c8964af4665f3a214d5a957effeec72ee73b97e56c67a29b8b9f11e3226
Status: Downloaded newer image for confluentinc/cp-kafka-rest:6.1.1
Creating zookeeper ...
Pulling zookeeper (confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:6.1.1)...
6.1.1: Pulling from confluentinc/cp-zookeeper
8f403cb21126: Already exists
65c0f2178ac8: Already exists
f531aa5f4b59: Already exists
e8f004375cc7: Already exists
62400f0f3d19: Already exists
3b70c889979a: Already exists
90d755e41546: Already exists
5190561ca80d: Already exists
e9740bd870ac: Pull complete
a65e45d3569e: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:dc04584a644b09ec00046a9acd352660b54cd358094a88945802a3444a392586
Creating zookeeper ... done
Creating broker    ...
Pulling broker (confluentinc/cp-server:6.1.1)...
6.1.1: Pulling from confluentinc/cp-server
8f403cb21126: Already exists
65c0f2178ac8: Already exists
f531aa5f4b59: Already exists
e8f004375cc7: Already exists
62400f0f3d19: Already exists
3b70c889979a: Already exists
90d755e41546: Already exists
5190561ca80d: Already exists
2281f66ca9d8: Pull complete
659130bbba7b: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:3ce232315a4602999660a3c166340f5a267cb424d6ea373b59e1a1e8eb55d26e
Creating broker    ... done
Creating schema-registry ...
Pulling schema-registry (confluentinc/cp-schema-registry:6.1.1)...
6.1.1: Pulling from confluentinc/cp-schema-registry
8f403cb21126: Already exists
65c0f2178ac8: Already exists
f531aa5f4b59: Already exists
e8f004375cc7: Already exists
62400f0f3d19: Already exists
3b70c889979a: Already exists
90d755e41546: Already exists
5190561ca80d: Already exists
2ae80cb52ab8: Pull complete
7f2fa8f053d4: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:08c4c77324c7d53920fecf4da2e9d1e66c1b361f49eacf47c9acd239f624954c
Creating schema-registry ... done
Creating rest-proxy      ...
Creating connect         ...
Pulling connect (cnfldemos/cp-server-connect-datagen:0.4.0-6.1.0)...
Pulling rest-proxy (confluentinc/cp-kafka-rest:6.1.1)...
0.4.0-6.1.0: Pulling from cnfldemos/cp-server-connect-datagen
a6b97b4963f5: Pulling fs layer
13948a011eec: Pulling fs layer
bc3a6735728f: Pulling fs layer
d70aeb3d3707: Waiting
46c3f5a8aa0a: Waiting
7afc86a94aa0: Waiting
10fbb9218396: Waiting
ce9b7f0fc9e6: Waiting
71ed3ae01345: Waiting
69bc2a048829: Waiting
d4e18dd2460b: Waiting
a6b97b4963f5: Pull complete
13948a011eec: Pull complete
bc3a6735728f: Pull complete
d70aeb3d3707: Pull complete
46c3f5a8aa0a: Pull complete
7afc86a94aa0: Pull complete
10fbb9218396: Pull complete
68e766c86ee2: Downloading [========================>                          ]    329MB/676.6MB
71ed3ae01345: Pull complete
69bc2a048829: Pull complete
d4e18dd2460b: Pull complete
0f2311c2cd3e: Pull complete
68e766c86ee2: Downloading [=====================================>             ]  502.7MB/676.6MB
286aec06a4da: Pull complete
68e766c86ee2: Downloading [======================================>            ]  516.6MB/676.6MB
Creating connect         ... done
68e766c86ee2: Downloading [=======================================>           ]  539.1MB/676.6MB
Pulling ksqldb-server (confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-server:6.1.1)...
6.1.1: Pulling from confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-server
8f403cb21126: Already exists
65c0f2178ac8: Already exists
f531aa5f4b59: Already exists
e8f004375cc7: Already exists
62400f0f3d19: Already exists
3b70c889979a: Already exists
90d755e41546: Already exists
5190561ca80d: Already exists
9c61ea57c06a: Pull complete
b1af698b791f: Pull complete
27f0f97f1c77: Pull complete
f72f0f036960: Pull complete
468030587dd8: Pull complete
98b6799ae5ab: Pull complete
a00254098fc7: Pull complete
fdbea9af11fb: Downloading [===================>                               ]  123.6MB/317.1MB
7671e71fbf46: Download complete
fdbea9af11fb: Pull complete
7671e71fbf46: Pull complete
5533711fa38a: Pull complete
5eda68c7076b: Pull complete
acce5a0cb8cb: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:4dc74913b89ad32b941bc8b501ddcd70a854297d353bc1a6eb8e2de329efb939
Creating ksqldb-server   ... done
Creating ksqldb-cli      ...
Creating ksql-datagen    ...
Creating control-center  ...
Pulling ksql-datagen (confluentinc/ksqldb-examples:6.1.1)...
Pulling control-center (confluentinc/cp-enterprise-control-center:6.1.1)...
Pulling ksqldb-cli (confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-cli:6.1.1)...
6.1.1: Pulling from confluentinc/ksqldb-examples
8f403cb21126: Already exists
65c0f2178ac8: Already exists
f531aa5f4b59: Already exists
e8f004375cc7: Already exists
62400f0f3d19: Already exists
3b70c889979a: Already exists
90d755e41546: Already exists
5190561ca80d: Already exists
52ff8533c578: Pulling fs layer
fb15a8b77fed: Pulling fs layer
dae93b082667: Pulling fs layer
8469ed5624e0: Waiting
6.1.1: Pulling from confluentinc/cp-enterprise-control-center
8f403cb21126: Already exists
65c0f2178ac8: Already exists
6.1.1: Pulling from confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-cli
8f403cb21126: Already exists
f531aa5f4b59: Already exists
e8f004375cc7: Already exists
65c0f2178ac8: Already exists
62400f0f3d19: Already exists
3b70c889979a: Already exists
f531aa5f4b59: Already exists
e8f004375cc7: Already exists
90d755e41546: Already exists
62400f0f3d19: Already exists
3b70c889979a: Already exists
5190561ca80d: Already exists
4231535d543c: Waiting
0d131c97ca1a: Downloading [======================================>            ]  87.98MB/115.1MB
90d755e41546: Already exists
5190561ca80d: Already exists
0d131c97ca1a: Downloading [=====================================>             ]  87.44MB/115.1MB
edfa763dfcf1: Download complete
0d131c97ca1a: Pull complete
edfa763dfcf1: Pull complete
d8181dbf64f5: Pull complete
4a9a4eda7b46: Pull complete
a4960e0d32c2: Pull complete
cbcaa750bfab: Pull complete
76fd70d7c84e: Pull complete
Creating ksqldb-cli      ... done
4231535d543c: Pull complete
d8ad2a619620: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:e22d1f1aba762f943c33d7a8fe6022d80e2078085f44f8dbec1d0bb6af5d7972
Creating control-center  ... done
Georges-MacBook-Pro.local:/Users/george/Desktop/ProjectsCommon/cp-all-in-one/cp-all-in-one >

and docker images

Georges-MacBook-Pro.local:/Users/george/Desktop/ProjectsCommon/cp-all-in-one/cp-all-in-one > docker images
REPOSITORY                                  TAG           IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
confluentinc/ksqldb-examples                6.1.1         3614c7c74e08   10 days ago     776MB
confluentinc/cp-kafka-rest                  6.1.1         72312d7e77a1   10 days ago     1.42GB
confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-server               6.1.1         e3bcf84bae1d   10 days ago     1.15GB
confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-cli                  6.1.1         9531297a71a2   10 days ago     815MB
confluentinc/cp-server                      6.1.1         1d4e08234406   10 days ago     1.4GB
confluentinc/cp-schema-registry             6.1.1         c7275316a778   10 days ago     1.47GB
confluentinc/cp-enterprise-control-center   6.1.1         8b80557abe6d   10 days ago     1.05GB
confluentinc/cp-zookeeper                   6.1.1         9a5b1cf23a04   10 days ago     750MB                 v0.0.20       c6f4fc187bc1   4 weeks ago     1.09GB
cnfldemos/cp-server-connect-datagen         0.4.0-6.1.0   020d28a7c4a3   3 months ago    1.84GB                       v1.19.7       9d368f4517bb   3 months ago    118MB                   v1.19.7       c15e4f843f01   3 months ago    119MB          v1.19.7       67b3bca112d1   3 months ago    111MB                   v1.19.7       4fa642720eea   3 months ago    45.6MB                             3.4.13-0      0369cf4303ff   8 months ago    253MB                          1.7.0         bfe3a36ebd25   10 months ago   45.2MB                            3.2           80d28bedfe5d   15 months ago   683kB
Georges-MacBook-Pro.local:/Users/george/Desktop/ProjectsCommon/cp-all-in-one/cp-all-in-one >

issue now, If I do a docker-compose down then all the confluent images disappear.

… and this is the result after leaving it alone for 30min… argggggg

really want to rather use the container drop but ye… will stick to the zip file.

Georges-MacBook-Pro.local:/Users/george/Desktop/ProjectsCommon/cp-all-in-one/cp-all-in-one >
Georges-MacBook-Pro.local:/Users/george/Desktop/ProjectsCommon/cp-all-in-one/cp-all-in-one > docker-compose ps
     Name                    Command               State                                     Ports
broker            /etc/confluent/docker/run        Up>19092/tcp,>9092/tcp,>9101/tcp
connect           /etc/confluent/docker/run        Exit 1
control-center    /etc/confluent/docker/run        Exit 1
ksql-datagen      bash -c echo Waiting for K ...   Exit 1
ksqldb-cli        /bin/sh                          Up
ksqldb-server     /etc/confluent/docker/run        Exit 1
rest-proxy        /etc/confluent/docker/run        Exit 1
schema-registry   /etc/confluent/docker/run        Exit 1
zookeeper         /etc/confluent/docker/run        Up>2181/tcp, 2888/tcp, 3888/tcp
Georges-MacBook-Pro.local:/Users/george/Desktop/ProjectsCommon/cp-all-in-one/cp-all-in-one >

output of the docker-compose down command

Georges-MacBook-Pro.local:/Users/george/Desktop/ProjectsCommon/cp-all-in-one/cp-all-in-one > docker-compose down
Stopping ksqldb-cli ... done
Stopping broker     ... done
Stopping zookeeper  ... done
Removing control-center  ... done
Removing ksqldb-cli      ... done
Removing ksql-datagen    ... done
Removing ksqldb-server   ... done
Removing rest-proxy      ... done
Removing connect         ... done
Removing schema-registry ... done
Removing broker          ... done
Removing zookeeper       ... done
Removing network cp-all-in-one_default

and output of docker images

Georges-MacBook-Pro.local:/Users/george/Desktop/ProjectsCommon/cp-all-in-one/cp-all-in-one > docker images
REPOSITORY                           TAG        IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE          v0.0.20    c6f4fc187bc1   4 weeks ago     1.09GB                v1.19.7    9d368f4517bb   3 months ago    118MB            v1.19.7    4fa642720eea   3 months ago    45.6MB            v1.19.7    c15e4f843f01   3 months ago    119MB   v1.19.7    67b3bca112d1   3 months ago    111MB                      3.4.13-0   0369cf4303ff   8 months ago    253MB                   1.7.0      bfe3a36ebd25   10 months ago   45.2MB                     3.2        80d28bedfe5d   15 months ago   683kB
Georges-MacBook-Pro.local:/Users/george/Desktop/ProjectsCommon/cp-all-in-one/cp-all-in-one >