Mirrormaker State Store Replication

Hi there,

I am trying to use mirror maker to mirror specific topics from 1 cluster to another along with the consumer offsets so the consumers and kafka stream apps can continue processing seamlessly from where it left off. We plan to do this fail over somewhat periodically so hoping to leverage mirrormaker for replication.

Based on the documentation, it looks like I should be able to provide the source cluster, target cluster, topic name/regexes and group names and any other config to sync groups.

The one thing that’s not clear is how to sync state stores. Since state stores are backed by changelog topics, do I need to provide regexes for each changelog topics or is there some other config to do this. Also assuming that is the way, how would I point the state stores to use the prefixed changelog topics and the non prefixed ones to rebuild the store?

My kafka cluster version is 2.7 and client/stream version is 3.2.
