MirrorMaker2 re creating deleted topics

We are using MM2 for copying data between two clusters. Everything is working fine but, when we delete a topic then MirrorSource connector is creating that topic again. Now we have 100’s of topics which we are not using and not able to delete them.
When we pause MirrorSource connector and delete the topic at that time topic is getting deleted but when we resume the connector again, all deleted topics are getting created.

Hey @naveen8384

just to get a proper understanding of your issue.
You’re deleting the topic on the source side and it’s recreated on the target side?
or recreated on the source ?


Hi @mmuehlbeyer ,
We have a topic topic1 in cluster A copied to cluster B as A.topic1 similarly, cluster B has topic1 which is copied to cluster A as B.topic1.
When we delete both topics topic1 and B.topic1, MM2 Source connector is creating both topics again and again.

We have also added below config as well for connector
"topic.creation.enable": "false",

Hi @naveen8384

this intended.
MirrorMaker2 does not delete topics.
See Kafka MirrorMaker - Deletion of a topic is not replicated - Stack Overflow


MirrorMaker2 is not deleting topics, but re-creating topics which we deleted from console.

I see
might be related to the following

how does your config log like?

anything special in the logs?

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