Thakn you very much for your response. I was able to connect to the broker with the above configurations last night but I keep getting the below error from the collector. Were you able to send spans/metrics/logs to the topics?
fka", “error”: “Failed to deliver 1 messages due to circuit breaker is open”, “interval”: “18.939500188s”}
2022-09-01T17:34:08.119Z info exporterhelper/queued_retry.go:215 Exporting failed. Will retry the request after interval. {“kind”: “exporter”, “name”: “kafka”, “error”: “Failed to deliver 1 messages due to circuit breaker is open”, “interval”: “12.435480141s”}
Seems the configurations are okay. Did the topics auto-create ? Have they been created in Confluent Cloud?
As you said this works with Apache Kafka, could it be something between your Otelcol and Confluent Cloud ? Think the issue would probably be better raised as an issue on the OpenTelemetry Github issue pages for more insight into that specific error message.
We created the topics manually and assigned the permissions for the service account used. I am guessing its related to permissions.
I will update here once we get it working.