Permission denied to run commands within container running inside k8s

kubectl exec -n namespace -it connect-0 – /bin/bash

Got to the pod, but can’t run ls command. User is appuser.

Can you be a bit more specific please? When you say “can’t run”, do you get an error?

I get this error message after I ssh into a running CP pod and then try the ls command

ls: cannot open directory ‘.’: Permission denied

I am running Confluent Platform Enterprise using CFK in Kubernetes

did you check the current working directory?
what about
ls /tmp

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I am able to run ls /tmp, but I get a Permission Denied when I run ls /home/appuser

ok I see

so what would like to do?
check the config?

Hi also having this issue, but in my case i’m trying to install connectors.

I’m able to kubectl exec into the pod and confluent-hub is installed. But when i try either;

  1. cp jar to /tmp directory and try copy that jar to /usr/share/confluent-hub-components/ then i get - permission denied
  2. confluent-hub then i get - Failed to create output directory: /usr/share/confluent-hub-components/confluentinc…

how do i install connectors on a cluster running in eks?