Recording ready to view: SPEAKER Q&A THREAD:14 April 2022 - Kafka Internal Fundamentals

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  • :spiral_calendar: When: 14 April 2022 at 22:00 (UTC)
  • :speaking_head: Speaker(s): Dave Shook
  • :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Talk(s): Kafka Internal Fundamentals

KRaft: Apache Kafka Without ZooKeeper

In the Apache Kafka Internal Architecture course, Jun Rao takes you through how Kafka works internally, how the different pieces fit together, why certain architectural choices were important, and ultimately how Kafka achieves its impressive performance and guarantees. This knowledge should provide you with the mental model you need to reason about the technology as you operate it or use it as part of the applications you build.
In this meetup, Dave Shook will present module four of the course, The Apache Kafka® Control Plane. It looks into the recent development in Kafka that replaces ZooKeeper as the store of cluster metadata, replacing it with the novel KRaft protocol.

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