Recording ready to view: SPEAKER Q&A THREAD: 24 February 2023 - Why, What and How of practically working with Apache Kafka® while balancing out configs

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  • :spiral_calendar: When: 24 February 2023 at 12:30 (UTC)
  • :speaking_head: Speaker(s): Jeevan D C
  • :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Talk(s): Why, What and How of practically working with Apache Kafka® while balancing out configs

In this talk, we will be spending time on the following:

  • “What” - Start with what problems Kafka solves and what are the important stuff around Kafka to know
  • “Why” and “When” to use Kafka
  • “How” - Long discussion on how to achieve some common use cases with Kafka/ Knobs to turn / tradeoffs

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