I am following the example provided in the document about registering schemas with references: Schema Registry API Reference | Confluent Documentation
First, I register a string schema under the subject hello
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8087/subjects/hello/versions" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "schema": "{\"type\":\"string\"}"}’
Next, I register the following schema alongside the references:
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8087/subjects/foo/versions" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"schema": "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"test\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"f1\",\"type\":\"string\"},{\"name\":\"f2\",\"type\":\"com.acme.Referenced\"}]}",
"references": [
"name": "com.acme.Referenced",
"subject": "hello",
"version": 1
However, I get the following error: "com.acme.Referenced\" is not a defined name. The type of the \"f2\" field must be a defined name or a {\"type\": ...} expression."}
Any chance anyone know what is the cause of this error?