I’m trying to setup tiered storage as a test on my local box (ubuntu) with all-in-one Confluent Platform (tar.gz). I’ve tested S3 sink connector and it’s working just fine, but I keep getting the following error when tiered storage is enabled:
[2020-12-26 19:55:53,595] WARN Failed to become ready. Retrying in 5000ms. (kafka.tier.topic.TierTopicManager)
[2020-12-26 19:55:58,600] WARN Caught exception when ensuring tier topic is created. Will retry. (kafka.tier.topic.TierTopicManager)
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidReplicationFactorException: Replication factor: 3 larger than available brokers: 1.
I’ve followed the documentation (Tiered Storage | Confluent Documentation), which looks pretty straight forward. I also checked all the config files, by default replication factor is set to 1 anyways. I have the datagen connector populating pageviews topic but I keep getting the above error and nothing gets sent to S3 bucket. I can’t find any online resources about this since it’s pretty new I guess.
I’d appreciate it if anyone has faced this issue before or can show me some pointers.
Thanks in advance.