Hi all…
Need someone that has worked with protobuf, schema registry and Kafka using the confluent library stack.
For the following git repo, cmd/producer.go
I serialise the payload as per a couple of examples (Line 974), but getting the following message on the serialise step.
Failed to serialize record: serialization target must be a protobuf message. Got
please help
Try passing &pb_Basket
(the message should be a pointer, see here ).
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Well some how it missed that &, tried one everywhere else…
dev made a difference… changed the error
2024/06/17 18:35:43 Basket: Failed to serialize record: Post "localhost:///subjects/pb_salesbaskets-value/versions?normalize=false": unsupported protocol scheme "localhost"
exit status 1
I pass schema registry as localhost:8081 via the variable vKafka.SchemaRegistryURL
client, err = schemaregistry.NewClient(schemaregistry.NewConfig(vKafka.SchemaRegistryURL))
interesting… changed my schema registry url to include http:// as http://localhost:8081
changed error to
2024/06/17 18:41:31 INFO: Post to Confluent Kafka topics
2024/06/17 18:41:31 Payment: Failed to serialize record: schema registry request failed error code: 409: Schema being registered is incompatible with an earlier schema for subject "pb_salespayments-value", details: [{errorType:"MESSAGE_REMOVED", description:"The new schema is missing a MESSAGE type at path '#/pb_Payment' in the old schema"}, {oldSchemaVersion: 1}, {oldSchema: 'syntax = "proto3";
package types;
message pb_Payment {
string InvoiceNumber = 1;
string PayDateTime = 2;
string PayTimestamp = 3;
double Paid = 4;
string FinTransactionID = 5;
'}, {validateFields: 'false', compatibility: 'BACKWARD'}]
exit status 1
g-mbp.local:/Users/george/Desktop/MongoCreater/goProd 0.4 -not working >
guess this is cheating. deleted the previous schema registry entries and reran…
well i got a payloads on my topics, even if they look very json like…
Now to see if i can get my streams processing (create stream) rebuild, with the topics now based on protobuf…
24 June 2024 17:06
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