Why losing messages on read?

I’ve got topic with replica = 3 and producer with ack = 1. Consumers did not see some of the messages. How to avoid this with out turning ack=all?

Hi there! Could you please elaborate a little more? Are you consumers in a consumer group to read from that topic or are they independently reading? How many partitions are in the topic?

50 partitions. in consumer group.

Kafka only guarantees that a message is not lost after it was replicated. If you use acks=1 you get the ack back before replication finished. Thus, if there is a broker side error and replication fails, the record could get lost.

If you want to avoid data loss, you need to wait until replication was successful, and thus use acks=all. Btw: you also need to set min.in.sync.replicatas=2. The semantics of acks=all is related to min.in.sync.replicas.

  • acks=all does not mean, that all followers need to have replicated a message
  • acks=all means, that all in-sync followers need to have replicated a message
    • Thus, if everything is healthy and both followers are in-sync, it means that you get ack after both have repliated
    • However, if a follower starts to lag, it might drop out-of-the in-sync follower set. Thus, even with acks=all you might get the acks if only one, or even no (if both followers lag and dropped out of the in-sync follower set) follower replicated the data. – Using min.in.sync.replicas=2 can fix this, because if both follower drop out of the in-sync set, write are rejected right away, until at least one follower catches up again.

I’m not losing messages on write (if ack=1 is means it will be 100% replicated sometime in future if no failure happens)…

Messages being skipped/swallowed on read.


V - ok
S - skipped by consumer

That’s weird, is that all from the same topic-partition? Maybe there is another consumer reading from the same topic, belonging to the same consumer group? How did you test you were missing messages?

Same topic, not partition

Totals did not match… when I’ve turned on ack=all on same code base - everything was working fine.

It was working fine in dev env where replica = 0. Changed Kafka to MKS Amazon where we had 3 nodes cluster and replica = 2 - problem appeared.

The other fact that pointing that messages being skipped on read is that.

When I run producer to the end and ONLY after it’s done I start to consume - everything is fine.

When I run producer and consumer together - messages being skipped (when ack=1)

It’s hard to imagine that you lose data on-read (ie, that the consumer skips messages). When do you commit offsets? Before or after to finished processing? If you commit before, you get at-most-once semantics and it’s expected that messages might be skipped (eg, if a rebalance happens). If you commit after processing, you get at-least-once and no message should be skipped (you could read a single message multiple times though).

How do you determine that the consumer skips? Based on the input (ie, you send 10 messages and thus that 10 messages are read)? This might not be the right way to evaluate the write were actually successful. Can you verify the start and end offsets of your topic, to see how many messages you really got? Also, on read, can you verify the offsets of the messages. If you don’t use transactions, there should not be any offset gaps.

Messages being skipped/swallowed on read.


By default, all writes and read are done by the master. So it does not seem right that you have “skipped” read in the followers.

It was working fine in dev env where replica = 0. Changed Kafka to MKS Amazon where we had 3 nodes cluster and replica = 2 - problem appeared.

Btw: a small correction on terminology. You cannot have replication.factor=0 – the minimum replication factor is 1 (for which case you only have the leader replica). If you have replication=3, you have a leader plus two followers. The leader also count to the number of replicas.

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I hope I have time to re-create environment to run this job again so I can show you results and you can touch everything yourself.