We currently have an issue where because of a surge in the kafka broker, schema registry has returned an id for a message to the serializer even though it failed publishing it to the _schemas topic.
afterwards another publisher published the schema and gained a successfully stored schema id.
so currently we have messages in kafka topics where the same schema message contains 2 different ids.
1 which doesn’t exist in the schema registry (which means it keeps failing the consumer on the other side) and 1 that doesn’t.
what i want to do is to publish the same schema with the failed id so it will be fetched by the deserializer but it seems like we can’t do that.
io.confluent.rest.exceptions.RestException: Schema already registered with id 52 instead of input id 28; error code: 42207
the schema registry even when using the schema client register with a designated id still checks the schema for an existing saved schema record and aborts the register command.
is there anything we can do about that?
i even tried storing it to a different subject and it was futile.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated
Meir Shmaiovitch.