Automatic user provisioning using Microsoft Entra ID Enterprise App Provisioning using SCIM

Hello all, how are you?

For our organization, we are currently using Confluent Cloud and we would like your help on a specific problem we are facing.

We are provisioning users through the terraform SDK, using this resource: confluent_invitation | Resources | confluentinc/confluent | Terraform | Terraform Registry

We are also in the process of integrating Confluent Cloud with our Identity Provider for authentication (SSO) in AzureAD (or Microsoft Entra as it’s called now).

However, we want to be able to automatically provision users, using our AzureAD Enterprise Apps, based on SCIM API or something similar.

Basically, we want to assign a group to our Enterprise App in AzureAD and the members of that group will be provisioned in Confluent Cloud through the usage of SCIM API, if it exists.

An example of this, is the GitHub integration with AzureAD, present in this doc: Tutorial: User provisioning for GitHub - Microsoft Entra ID | Microsoft Learn

Anyone knows if this is possible?

Best regards