πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸ’» Building your own Kafka Connect Connectors [Complete Example]

Hi there,

Sharing here this repository that I created on GitHub that contains a complete example of how to create a custom connector for Kafka Connect. This example contains:

:white_check_mark: Complete source-code of a sample source connector with dynamic re-partitioning.
:white_check_mark: Docker Compose using Kafka Zookeepeerless from Confluent for local deployment.
:white_check_mark: Kafka Connect configured to allow remote debugging connection using JDWP.
:white_check_mark: Terraform code that shows how to programmatically deploy the connector at AWS.
:white_check_mark: Cloud deployment using Amazon MSK and MSK Connect. Complete example.

:technologist:t2: GitHub repository:

Also, very soon I’ll be creating and publishing a complete tutorial about this code on the BuildOnAWS YouTube channel. I’ll discuss the design decisions, schema management choices, the trade-offs, the implementation gotchas, and everything you need to understand about the Kafka Connect SDK. Make sure to subscribe to the channel do you don’t miss it.

:movie_camera: BuildOnAWS channel:


β€” @riferrei


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