Ccloud> kafka acl create - invalid operational value

Hi community! has anyone ever tried to create ACLs with ccloud ? I am consistently getting Error: invalid operation value: []no matter the command arguments.

lets check the help first (after login):

ccloud > kafka acl create -h
Create a Kafka ACL.
  ccloud kafka acl create [flags]
You can only specify one of these flags per command invocation: ``cluster``, ``consumer-group``, ``topic``, or ``transactional-id``. For example, if you want to specify both ``consumer-group`` and ``topic``, you must specify this as two separate commands:
  ccloud kafka acl create --allow --service-account 1522 --operation READ --consumer-group java_example_group_1
  ccloud kafka acl create --allow --service-account 1522 --operation READ --topic '*'

paste the given example:

ccloud > kafka acl create --allow --service-account 1522 --operation READ --topic '*'
Error: invalid operation value: []

ok, maybe the error is because the service-account ID doesn’t exist. lets list the accounts:

ccloud > service-account list
    Id   |       Name       | Description
  1**416 | dev-***   |
  1**417 | stage-*** |
  1**418 | dev-***   |
  1**419 | stage-*** |
  1**420 | dev-***      |
  1**421 | stage-***    |

lets try again with existing service-account:

ccloud > kafka acl create --allow --service-account 1**416 --operation READ --topic '*'
Error: invalid operation value: []

happens on latest client:

ccloud > version
ccloud - Confluent Cloud CLI
Version:     v1.22.0
Git Ref:     a1da818c
Build Date:  2021-01-20T21:32:56Z
Go Version:  go1.15.5 (darwin/amd64)
Development: false

I was able to repro this using v1.22.1. A workaround is to declare the environment and cluster IDs:

ccloud > kafka acl create --allow --service-account <service account id> --operation READ --topic '*' --environment <environment id> --cluster <cluster id>

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Hi @solaris007 @jamie ! Just a heads up that the underlying issue has been fixed to the best of my knowledge, and the next CLI version (which will be v1.24.0) should include the fix. Please keep an eye out for that update, and please feel free to follow up if you still encounter the issue afterwards. Thanks again for reporting the bug!

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@DABH thanks for the fix! we’ll test it and report back if any issues are found.