Cp rest proxy metrics

Hello forum,
I am once again reching out :slight_smile:

I have set up a rest proxy deployment on kubernetes which ia working as expected. Now i would like to retrieve some JMX metrics, so that i can feed them in to elasticsearch.
However, i have been unable to dechipher how this is achieved.
Basically i just want to enable the metrics, but i am unsure if the are actually enabled by default, or if i have to set some parameter in my deployment.
And once they are enabled, do i then need to either mount in a jolokia jvm agent, or a prometheus jmx exporter?

Best regards

hi @Oelsner

welcome back :wink:
just to be sure:
you like to get onl yrest proxy metrics or metrics from all your services deployed?
how did you deploy your environment?
using confluent helm charts or something else?


Hi @mmuehlbeyer
I would like to get just the metrics from rest proxy as described here Monitoring REST Proxy | Confluent Documentation. At least for now. Later on i would probably like to get metrics from other deployments.
I created “read stole from left and right ideas”/inspired by this one https://gitlab.com/atkozhuharov/kafka-rest-proxy-kubernetes/raw/master/kafka-proxy-deployment.yaml

The rest proxt is working just fine after a few minor changes to suit my needs. But i cant for the life of me figure out how to fetch those metrics. One suggestion i came across was this one https://gitlab.com/atkozhuharov/kafka-rest-proxy-kubernetes/raw/master/kafka-proxy-deployment.yaml
I therefore tried to add

 - name: JMX_PORT
    value: "9011"

to the deployment in hopes that it would expose the metrics on that port as i had been informed that the afore mentioned metrics are exposed by default.

Any help on this is greatly appreaciated :slight_smile:

Best regards

hi @Oelsner

ok I see.
did you consider using the confluent rest proxy helm chart?

whole jmx stuff is already in place there
maybe you could use it as a template and adapt your conf :wink:


Hi @mmuehlbeyer
I actually did not even consider it, but i just checked the link you gave me.
It appears that it has a dependency to a running and accissible zookeeper ensemble, which i cant honor.
This rest proxy i ment to work with confluent cloud, where is dont have any url’s to any zokeepers.
I will try and see if i can find inspiration from the chart though and see if there are some things i can incorporate.

Cheers for now :slight_smile:

hi @Oelsner

ah i see.
according to your provides examples it maybe sufficient to add the prometheus exporter part and the port.

will test by myself and keep you posted :slight_smile:


hi @Oelsner

short update.
was able to connect my local test stack (docker-based) to my confluent cloud trial.
converted the compose file with kompose to some kubernetes usable files.
need to sanitize them :wink: could provide them afterwards, guess it might help


Hi @mmuehlbeyer
That sounds awesome!
I would be very interested in seing them once sanitized :slight_smile:

And thanks so much for taking your time to help with this.


Hi @Oelsner

you’re welcome

have a look at:

I guess not perfect maybe a good point to start with :slight_smile:


Hi @mmuehlbeyer
Thanks so much for that. It looks interesting, and very different as to how i have created my own deployment :slight_smile: , i cant wait to try it out.
I will report back here tomorrow in the evening with my findings… Now it is time to sleep :slight_smile:

Once again for your time, i will keep you posted!

Best regards

1 Like

Hi @mmuehlbeyer
Sorry about the latency.
I was delegated to other tasks :confused:
Your provided solution deploys just fine, but i have been unable to connect to jmx.
I will dig more into this d.uring the week. This week is easter holiday/playtime, so i can commit some time to it :slight_smile:

I will let you know in a day or two how it goes!

Again, thanks so much for taking the time to help with this.


I once again have to appologize for the latency.
Tasks piled up, and product owner asked me to shift my attention to an immidiate delivery.
However, your solution totally applies, but i still have to verify metrics availbility and such. Mind if i keep you posted?
I have a deleviry deadline on wednessday for a service, which will keep me tied up until then.
After that, i will revive this convo :slight_smile:
Again, your help is always much appreaciated!

Best regards

no worries :slight_smile:

just keep me posted, I’m quite interested how everything is going

Hi @mmuehlbeyer, I’ve raised the similar in How to enable the metrics in rest proxy and then I came across this thread.

I’ve followed your suggestion in github, but I still can’t access the jmx/metric endpoint at port 1095

I use confluentinc/cp-kafka-rest:7.7.1 and it is also deployed to k8s cluster. Would you please help me get this fix? I’ve googled a lot but I couldn’t find any helpful suggestions.


            - name: KAFKA_REST_JMX_OPTS
              value: -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localhost -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1095 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.rmi.port=1095
            - name: KAFKA_REST_JMX_PORT
              value: "1095"

I’ve tried to login the docker container and run curl localhost:1095, but nothing returned

curl localhost:1095
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 1095: Connection refused

mmh did you use Confluent for Kubernetes to deploy the cluster?
then jmx should be enabled by default

would you mind sharing your conf?

@pkinuk why not working directly with a prometheus exporter? You can see an example in action at this link
jmx-monitoring-stacks/jmxexporter-prometheus-grafana/cfk at main · confluentinc/jmx-monitoring-stacks · GitHub and this file jmx-monitoring-stacks/jmxexporter-prometheus-grafana/cfk/demo/confluent-platform-singlenode.yaml at c521da7d167a048bd6a24fde4097a7ce864d8943 · confluentinc/jmx-monitoring-stacks · GitHub

You only need to add metrics for rest proxy pod