in confluent cloud, i am using DataGen connector . I am making DataGen connector to generate message in topic with Avro format.
the datagen has created a topic already with Avro format.
I want to make a stream from it in Ksqldb. I have executed command like this
The topic name that I put in the WITH, it already exist from DataGen,
it creates the stream but when i query the stream with emit changes, it keeps running but no message is returned.
is this because of Avro serialization? if yes, is it possible to create stream from AVRO topics ? what should i change in my create stream command ?
CREATE STREAM TcProductVariant_stream_Avro (
_comment string ,
data STRUCT<
productInstanceUuid string ,
productInstanceId string,
productInstanceDescription string ,
productInstanceRevision string ,
productVariants ARRAY<STRUCT<operation string , TC_variant_id string , tc_variant_name string, variantOptions string
WITH (KAFKA_TOPIC = ‘TcProductVariants_Avro’,
VALUE_FORMAT = ‘avro’,
TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss’,