I am trying to build a event driven framework using kafka . I have 2 microservice and I am using kafka to send messages to them . my microservices will be long running processes basically consumers . My requirement is that my client should wait until i get the final response back from the microservice . how can i achieve that .
What is the archictecture of your service? Is it Java, Python, Go, Node…?
Have you heard of librdkafka
? It allows you to create consumers and producers in nearly any language. For languages not “officially” supported, there are many ports, such as node-rdkafka
I think that you should consider some of the tutorials on Confluent: Learn Kafka - Apache Kafka Tutorials and Resources | Confluent Developer
It is also important to consider if you should be using a stream processing solution at all and look into a simpler solution if possible first.
I am using confluent kafka in python . My use case is to implement request-reply (rest ap )messaging system . which means i need synchronous implementation using kafka . once consumer’s job is done , my client needs response back . how can i achieve something like this
Check the link I provided. It provides a quick start in python.
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