How do I connect Kafka Streams app to a remote broker?

I am using two separate Mac laptops for my Kafka Streams learning. One laptop ( is running dockerized Kafka:

3ed3f3b6989b   confluentinc/cp-enterprise-kafka:6.0.0   "/etc/confluent/dock…"   2 hours ago   Up 2 hours   9092/tcp,>29092/tcp, :::29092->29092/tcp                       kafka
a8ab0ae59df7   confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:6.0.0          "/etc/confluent/dock…"   2 hours ago   Up 2 hours   2181/tcp, 2888/tcp, 3888/tcp,>32181/tcp, :::32181->32181/tcp   zookeeper

I use my other Mac laptop to compile and run the Kafka Streams app:

package com.example;

import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serdes;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.KafkaStreams;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.StreamsBuilder;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.StreamsConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.KStream;

class DslExample {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // the builder is used to construct the topology
    StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();

    // read from the source topic, "users"
    KStream<Void, String> stream ="users");

    // for each record that appears in the source topic,
    // print the value
        (key, value) -> {
          System.out.println("(DSL) Hello, " + value);

    // you can also print using the `print` operator
    // stream.print(Printed.<String, String>toSysOut().withLabel("source"));

    // set the required properties for running Kafka Streams
    Properties config = new Properties();
    config.put(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, "dev1");
    config.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "");
    config.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest");
    config.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_KEY_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.Void().getClass());
    config.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_VALUE_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.String().getClass());

    // build the topology and start streaming
    KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(, config);

    // close Kafka Streams when the JVM shuts down (e.g. SIGTERM)
    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(streams::close));

This same exact code connects to the Kafka broker just fine when it runs on the same laptop:

config.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "localhost:29092")

When I run this code on a separate laptop - I see no errors, but the connection to the remote Kafka broker is never established and the data from the “users” topic is never read.

I also built an identical Kafka environment on Azure (wide open). Still unable to connect with Kafka Streams app, so this is not a Mac-specific issue

Is there a particular technique to be able to connect a Kafka Stream app to a remote Kafka broker?

Well, it depends on your network… Are both laptops in the same network? Can you connect from one laptop to the other?

Also, localhost always refers to you local machine. If your broker is running on the other laptop, you will need to use the other laptops “public” IP.

I see no errors, but the connection to the remote Kafka broker is never established

That is behavior as designed – the underlying consumer will just sit there an try to connect. Maybe DEBUG logging would reveal that is cannot find the broker.

Is there a particular technique to be able to connect a Kafka Stream app to a remote Kafka broker?

Not, but you still need to understand your network setup, ie, IPs, open port, security, etc.