Java client for confluent community broker

I have installed confluent community edition on my azure vm. I am able to start zookeeper and start broker and created a test topic.*r8d39c*_ga*MTAxMjEzMzM1NS4xNzEzMjA2NjY3*_ga_D2D3EGKSGD*MTcxNDQyMDQ1MC4xMS4xLjE3MTQ0MjMzMTkuMTMuMC4w&_ga=2.129816588.1832494081.1714404697-1012133355.1713206667&_gac=1.192820824.1713818824.Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745BXadpfOVYd6t3ZjGkY_ZHrxV0j1-V7PadMXLEdBw3AZyASR5UiEfoaAo8NEALw_wcB#prerequisites

Now i need a java client to write into the topic. I see the steps to build client application but it requires docker to be installed.
Can i just have java producer and build jar?
I see in apache kafka HD insight we had java code that can be built and run.

Any inputs for this will be helpfule.

Where are you seeing these steps?

This Java client getting started guide can help to get you going without Docker. On the Kafka Setup page, select I have my own cluster already! in the Kafka location dropdown.


Ah, that tutorial only uses Docker to run Kafka. You don’t need Docker to build or run the client app. So, if you already have a cluster and topic created, you could start at Step 5, and add your cluster connection properties in Step 6 in place of the localhost:29092 bootstrap endpoint that you get if you run Kafka in Docker in the previous steps.