Author of https://www.http-feeds.org/ here.
I want to set up an HTTP Source Connector, that connects to an HTTP Feeds.
I use this configuration:
“http.request.method”: “GET”,
“http.request.parameters”: “lastEventId=${offset}”,
“http.offset.mode”: “CHAINING”,
“http.offset.json.pointer”: “/id”,
“output.data.format”: “JSON”
The response from the HTTP API is something like:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/cloudevents-batch+json
"specversion" : "1.0",
"type" : "org.http-feeds.example.inventory",
"source" : "https://example.http-feeds.org/inventory",
"id" : "1c6b8c6e-d8d0-4a91-b51c-1f56bd04c758",
"time" : "2021-01-01T00:00:01Z",
"subject" : "9521234567899",
"data" : {
"sku": "9521234567899",
"updated": "2022-01-01T00:00:01Z",
"quantity": 5
"specversion" : "1.0",
"type" : "org.http-feeds.example.inventory",
"source" : "https://example.http-feeds.org/inventory",
"id" : "292042fb-ab04-4653-af90-19a24032bffe",
"time" : "2021-12-01T00:00:15Z",
"subject" : "9521234512349",
"data" : {
"sku": "9521234512349",
"updated": "2022-01-01T00:00:12Z",
"quantity": 0
"specversion" : "1.0",
"type" : "org.http-feeds.example.inventory",
"source" : "https://example.http-feeds.org/inventory",
"id" : "fa3e2a22-398c-4d02-ad08-9415e43178e6",
"time" : "2021-01-01T00:00:22Z",
"subject" : "9521234567899",
"data" : {
"sku": "9521234567899",
"updated": "2022-01-01T00:00:21Z",
"quantity": 4
The only problem is that the next chained request is:
GET https://example.http-feeds.org/inventory?lastEventId="fa3e2a22-398c-4d02-ad08-9415e43178e6"
The problems are the quotes (") in the offset query parameter.
Any idea, how those can be removed?