Is it possible to have a DeadLetter Queue topic on Source Connector side?

Hello Experts,

Is it possible to have a DeadLetter Queue topic on Source Connector side?
We have a challenge with the events processed by the IBM MQ Source connector, which is processing N number of messages but sending N-100 messages, where 100 messages are the Poison messages.
But from below blog by Robin Moffatt, I can see it is not doable to have DLQ on Source Connectors side.

Below note mentioned in above article:
Note that there is no dead letter queue for source connectors.

1Q) Please confirm if anyone used the Deadletter queue for the IBM MQ Source Connector (below is the documentation)

2Q) Is anyone used the DLQ on any other source connectors side?
3Q) Why it is a limitation on not having DLQ on source connector side?


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