Partition is marked as failed warnings in kafka broker logs

In kafka logs I am seeing repeated warnings as partition is marked as failed for multiple topics.

[2022-09-12 02:38:46,294] WARN [ReplicaFetcher replicaId=0, leaderId=2, fetcherId=0] Partition <topic-1>-5 marked as failed (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)
[2022-09-12 02:38:57,690] WARN [ReplicaFetcher replicaId=0, leaderId=2, fetcherId=0] Partition <topic-2>-4 marked as failed (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)
[2022-09-12 02:38:58,110] WARN [ReplicaFetcher replicaId=0, leaderId=2, fetcherId=0] Partition <topic-3>-1 marked as failed (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)
[2022-09-12 02:39:02,716] WARN [ReplicaFetcher replicaId=0, leaderId=2, fetcherId=0] Partition <topic-4>-2 marked as failed (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)

Some clients also reported they are not able to publish messages to some topics.

Is there anything wrong with broker config?

Thank you.