Strange issue with custom Iceberg Sink Connector

Hello! I am trying to run Iceberg Sink Connector from databricks (GitHub - databricks/iceberg-kafka-connect) . I added for user whole access to all topics, cluster and transactional-id but I have still faced an issue with Transactionald authentication, After looking into logs I found that the problem with getting commitid
log snippet is below
11:19:14 AM
ERROR WorkerSinkTask{id=clcc-k28k1v-0} Task threw an uncaught and unrecoverable exception. Task is being killed and will not recover until manually restarted
Transactional Id authorization failed.

11:19:14 AM INFO [Producer clientId=60216ad2-59de-4c76-9f48-d7c8a6833ffc, transactionalId=committer-txn-1373fa11-af8b-4ff6-95d4-e617378fbcbe-0] Transiting to fatal error state due to org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TransactionalIdAuthorizationException: Transactional Id authorization failed.
11:19:14 AM INFO Kafka commitId: unknown
May be it is required to add some new params to support exactly once?
Thank you , Shamil