Unable start and stop using systemctl kafka connector

i am getting error while starting confluent kafka connector on vm

Description=Apache Kafka Connect - distributed


After=network.target confluent-server.target





ExecStart=/usr/bin/connect-distributed /etc/kafka/connect-distributed.properties




Confluent Documentation | Confluent Documentation

saved this one in the name of kafka-connector in systemd …

after i tried to start kafka connector using sudo systemctl start kafka-connector but it is showing error like failed to start kafka-connect.service UNit kafka-connect.service not found

did you check the logs with systemctl status kafka-conenctor -l

or /var/log/messages

It is showing like below image
Unit kafka-connector.service could not found

mmh did you name the file

did you reload with

systemctl daemon-reload

yes i saved that kafka-connect.service at systemd

did you execute?

systemctl daemon-reload

could you share your directory?


and the content of the dir?

did you execute the command?


[12:12 PM] Innamuri Srinivasulu
[vmuser@prismvm3 confluent-7.6.0]$ sudo systemctl status kafka-connector.service

● kafka-connector.service - Apache Kafka Connect - distributed

Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/kafka-connector.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)

Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2024-05-22 12:09:48 IST; 17s ago

 Docs: http://docs.confluent.io/

Process: 401068 ExecStart=/bin/connect-standalone /etc/kafka/connect-standalone.properties (code=exited, status=217/USER)

Main PID: 401068 (code=exited, status=217/USER)

May 22 12:09:48 prismvm3 systemd[1]: Started Apache Kafka Connect - distributed.

May 22 12:09:48 prismvm3 systemd[1]: kafka-connector.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=217/USER

May 22 12:09:48 prismvm3 systemd[1]: kafka-connector.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.

the above error came action failed

the above file exists?

yes the file exists in

mmh I would recommend to check the logs
should be somewhere in /var/log/confluent or similar

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