We are providing shared services and kafka is one of them and may customers using it, customers = offerings.
We want to filter things separately as per offerings.
At initial question using list of topics as per offerings need to print other stuff like partitions, offsets, disk space etc…
@sdewarde The concept of an “offering” seems very specific to your use case. Maybe you can clarify your question. Kafka brokers are deployed in clusters. Are you trying to determine this information from a single cluster or across clusters? Are the Kafka clusters managed by you or are you using a managed service?
@rick Offering in the sense customers using kafka which are in clusters and managed by us.
We have other customers project and they use Kafka from us, they have multiple topics being created with similar prefixes and read/write access provided to them etc…
In our project management want to get list of everything, like how many topics per customer is using and their total partitions, disk size and replications.
I hope you understood what I mean exactly now.
It seems that you’ll have to implement your own aggregations of the data you get from the standard tools. There is nothing built into Kafka, that I’m aware of, to support building and monitoring of a multi-tenant solution like you’re describing.