Integrating Snowflake JDBC Driver with Confluent Kafka Source Connector


I’m trying to run the Confluent Kafka Source Connector with the Snowflake JDBC driver.

I followed this blog, but instead of managing the connector myself, I’m trying to deploy it using AWS MSK Connect (see the diagram).


I ran into the following error:

java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:snowflake://

The suggested solution is to place the Snowflake JAR in the /kafka-connect-jdbc/ directory.

Is there a way to add the Snowflake JAR to the Confluent Kafka Source Connector?

For anyone who encounters this issue in the future, I found a solution!
Simply place the Snowflake JAR inside the Confluent JAR under the /lib directory, then repackage (zip) it and create a custom plugin. Make sure to use compatible versions!