Recording ready to view: SPEAKER Q&A THREAD: 14 March 2022 - Data Mesh (APAC)

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  • :spiral_calendar: When: 14 March 2022 at 02:00 (UTC)
  • :speaking_head: Speaker(s): Renu Gokhale
  • :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Talk(s): Data Mesh

Data mesh is a new approach for designing modern data architectures by embracing organizational constructs as well as data-centric ones, data management, governance, etc. The idea is that data should be easily accessible and interconnected across the entire business. While the concept is so new and may seem like an abstract concept at this moment, you’re doing the right thing by learning it now. We’ll give you a complete overview of data mesh architecture, how it works, its benefits and use cases, examples, and how to get started.

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