Setting up Kafka Two-Way (SSL/TLS + SSL Client Authentication) on Windows Server 2016

Setting up Kafka Two-Way (SSL/TLS + SSL Client Authentication) on Windows Server 2016 running Confluent Kafka 1.9.0 api. Is there any mechanism to configure Confluent Kafka 1.9.0 to utilize Windows Certificate store instead of exporting certs to files or running a linux on windows?

Microsoft Confluent Kafka clients are unable to populate ClientConfig parameter
‘SslKeyLocation’ because the Certificate Store doesn’t allow exportation of private keys. Corporate security will not usually permit an externally generated PEM file on the disk. This leaves the only way to set up clients for Setting up Kafka Two-Way (SSL/TLS + SSL Client Authentication) is to use the CA method: “You can configure each broker and logical client with a truststore” Encrypt and authenticate Confluent Platform and resources with TLS | Confluent Documentation