Kafka Backup with SSL/Kerberos

Hi everyone,

Has anyone got experience of running Kafka Backup with a cluster secured using SSL and Kerberos? Is it possible to do that?

I’m struggling a bit trying to get the security settings working for Kafka Backup, yet have no problem connecting a producer or consumer to the cluster.

If anyone could point me in the right direction, I’d be really grateful :slight_smile: :grinning:

hey mark

did you check the github issues?
there are some examples, I think the do not fit you’re env 100% but maybe a good point to start


Thank you. That first one does look very similar to what I have in my configuration, but it does give me a point to compare from. I’ll go through that and then see what I may have missed.


great, would be if you keep me posted :wink:


Thanks for your help…it did help me to resolve the issue. In the end, it was down to the properties files that the scripts created. They were missing some of the SASL properties. So I ended up creating them manually and then running backup and restore just using connect-standalone. Looks like its working fine now :grinning:

Once again, thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I had seen those pages before, but not really grasped how useful they actually were. :thinking: