Unknown command "flink" for confluent

Hi, I am practicing confluent Kafka with Flink using Free trail.
I am getting following error message while executing command on windows command prompt.

confluent flink shell --compute-pool lfcp-j9zqpw --environment env-mkop71
Error: unknown command “flink” for “confluent”
Run ‘confluent --help’ for usage.

I have executed confluent update --yes and version is:
confluent version
confluent - Confluent CLI

Version: v3.48.1
Git Ref: e86e352ee
Build Date: 2024-01-25T23:40:47Z
Go Version: go1.21.5 X:boringcrypto (windows/amd64)
Development: false

confluent --help
Manage your Confluent Cloud.

confluent [command]

Available Commands:
admin Perform administrative tasks for the current organization.
api-key Manage API keys.
asyncapi Manage AsyncAPI document tooling.
audit-log Manage audit log configuration.
billing Manage Confluent Cloud billing.
byok Manage your keys in Confluent Cloud.
cloud-signup Sign up for Confluent Cloud.
completion Print shell completion code.
configuration Configure the Confluent CLI.
connect Manage Kafka Connect.
context Manage CLI configuration contexts.
environment Manage and select Confluent Cloud environments.
feedback Submit feedback for the Confluent CLI.
help Help about any command
iam Manage RBAC and IAM permissions.
kafka Manage Apache Kafka.
ksql Manage ksqlDB.
local Manage a local Confluent Platform development environment.
login Log in to Confluent Cloud or Confluent Platform.
logout Log out of Confluent Cloud.
network Manage Confluent Cloud networks.
organization Manage your Confluent Cloud organizations.
pipeline Manage Stream Designer pipelines.
plugin Manage Confluent plugins.
price See Confluent Cloud pricing information.
prompt Add Confluent CLI context to your terminal prompt.
schema-registry Manage Schema Registry.
service-quota Look up Confluent Cloud service quota limits.
shell Start an interactive shell.
stream-share Manage stream shares.
update Update the Confluent CLI.
version Show version of the Confluent CLI.

–version Show version of the Confluent CLI.
-h, --help Show help for this command.
–unsafe-trace Equivalent to -vvvv, but also log HTTP requests and responses which might contain plaintext secrets.
-v, --verbose count Increase verbosity (-v for warn, -vv for info, -vvv for debug, -vvvv for trace).

Use “confluent [command] --help” for more information about a command.

Please let me know how to connect using shell method.

How did you install the CLI? I’m not able to repro this when following the Windows instructions here.

Thanks for reply. Using “Tarball or Zip installation” option in your link.

Those instructions are also working for me. Any chance you have multiple CLIs downloaded? Not sure what else to try other than deleting existing CLIs, ensuring that confluent.exe hits an error like “‘confluent.exe’ is not recognized as an internal or external command”, and then retrying with a fresh CLI install.

I have not downloaded multiple CLIs. Have opened command prompt where Confluent CLI application exists (confluent.exe) and ran “confluent version”